What is emotional or mental infidelity and what are the signs to detect it? – Types of infidelity

What is emotional or mental infidelity and what are the signs to detect it - Types of infidelity.

Infidelity, both sexual and emotional, is one of the most controversial relationship issues that comes up repeatedly. The causes and consequences of being unfaithful are multifactorial and, depending on the person, it can strongly affect the emotions of the person who suffers it.

What is emotional or mental infidelity and what are the signs to detect it - Types of infidelity.

If you are going through one of these situations, and you want to know what to do and identify if what is happening is infidelity and what type it is, continue reading this article that can help you a lot to deal with these problems at the level of your couple, and even your children.

What is emotional or mental infidelity?

Emotional or mental infidelity occurs when in a couple, with previous commitments and rules already established, one of them becomes emotionally linked to another person outside the relationship, which can be dating, marriage or conjugal.

Along with sexual infidelity, where there is an erotic bond between the couple and another person, emotional infidelity is the other type of infidelity that exists.

To identify if a person can be labeled as unfaithful, one must first look at the agreements and rules established with their partner at the time of starting their amorous-erotic relationship. The reason for this lies in the possibility of “open” relationships, where it is seen as normal to relate to people other than your partner, both sexually and emotionally, and therefore, it would not be considered an act of infidelity.

Mental or emotional infidelity can be dangerous, and we must be very careful of it. The person who suffers emotional infidelity is really affected, not only in one, but in several aspects of their life, because this situation can deteriorate and manipulate their emotions to such an extent that the consequences are usually dramatic and tragic at the same time.

What are the causes of infidelity?

The reasons why a person is unfaithful are very varied and multifactorial; they have a lot to do with the development of each person, and that includes upbringing, for example, where values were wrongly cultivated from home; it includes the type of environment in which the person operates; and other factors that we’ll mention later.

When trust is broken in a relationship, even in a small action, it is difficult to regain it. Trust is a very relevant aspect to remain united in a loving bond, if that bond is allowed to be cut where both remain trusting, it is likely that neither of them wants to continue in a relationship, and perhaps they choose to be unfaithful.

Another not so frequent cause may be the empty concept of oneself; Here, where someone does not give themselves the self-value they need, low self-esteem is introduced, and an individual with this characteristic can easily go on to form a loving and erotic bond with anyone who makes them feel good. If you don’t value yourself, you probably don’t value the commitment you may have made when starting a relationship.

These are some of the many possible reasons why there are those who end up in infidelity. But this is too broad a topic to be dealt with in a single article.

Consequences of emotional infidelity

Like the causes, the consequences of an infidelity are very varied and will depend on the person who suffers the infidelity, as well as on who was unfaithful and what the latter did.

The consequences can be psychological trauma depending on how the infidelity was known. A trauma of this type ends up being an impediment for the “deceived” person to make loving bonds in other relationships.
An effect caused by emotional infidelity can be one where you want, unconsciously, to have control over the person who was unfaithful; That’s where the almost psychotic attitude of wanting to know where and what the partner is doing begins.

Usually, those who suffer for an unfaithful person, end up harboring anger, hatred and a lot of resentment towards them, a very unhealthy attitude, and emotions are dominant.

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