What is narcissism and what is the ideal partner for a narcissist? How to treat a narcissist?

What is narcissism and what is the ideal partner for a narcissist How to treat a narcissist

If we put it in context, a narcissist is the son of Narcissus, and the ideal partner for a narcissist is himself. Narcissism itself is an excessive love for oneself.

What is narcissism and what is the ideal partner for a narcissist How to treat a narcissist

But of course, the excessive use of the word has made it lose its edge, if you say something like: I’m a narcissist and I want to change, you’re doing very well, because first you care about yourself, and second, you’re not quite a Narcissus.

It all started in mythology, Narcissus was such a beautiful man that he fell in love with himself, one casual day he saw himself reflected in the water, and he came up with the great idea of kissing. As you can imagine, he fell into the water and went to the afterlife, from there the word is coined, try not to be him and kiss your partner, it’s safer.

What is narcissism and how do you know if a person is a narcissist?

It’s a psychological complex, so treating a narcissist is a bit of a mess, no one likes the couple competing to use the bathroom mirror. But of course, they both have the right to look good, if he cares about looking good, then let it be a game of both.

Narcissistic people in love are like the rest, but with a somewhat higher ego than the common one, to a certain extent it is not bad, but remember that everything in excess is harmful.

Whether your partner is narcissistic or not, we will know without having to fall into the classic “my partner is a narcissist test”, that is seen by a glance, if he moves you away from the mirror to see himself, I think you are already sure.

But not to go so lightly, study their behavior, a narcissistic personality inventory cannot be complete without the taste for praise of themselves. They always enhance their talents on their own, or at least the ones they think they have, you don’t have to be a supermodel to be narcissistic.

What is the ideal partner for a narcissist?

In the first instance themselves, but we can all change, and if you are willing to help him, the ideal partner is you. It can be your great love, the one that accompanies you all your life. And will you let it go for a bit of ego? No.

But if you just want to be their partner for intimacy, don’t give it too much thought. As narcissists are in intimacy, it is the same as everyone else. But you can be lucky that in order not to hurt your ego, in the amatory fields you seek to show off, you may find a treasure.

Now, if what you are looking for is a formality, the ideal would be that the narcissist’s partner is someone who understands him, like every person, the understanding of the other is key for it to work. And if you’re already a couple, and love is at full throttle, don’t let that detail diminish it, the crises are overcome, and hey, there’s therapy.

Besides, understanding his origins will help you to be useful in his change, it may be that he was pampered too much, or that his whims are constantly fulfilled. How to know if I’m narcissistic is not the same as knowing if you have excess beauty, let’s not confuse things.

Narcissism tests can be a help when it comes to knowing what would be an ideal partner, if the other person shares the same excessive tastes for themselves then they can bond well, both will be so busy with themselves that there will be no room to fight with the other.

How to treat a narcissist?

Like any person, it’s not a disease or something that’s going to hurt you, it’s just an excessive taste, at least you’ll be sure that he cares a lot about his integrity.

Narcissistic man, sexuality and disenchantment are not a nice combination, if you say something to him that hurts his ego, he will feel it deeper.

It can be a real emotional wound for him, so try to be subtle with the comments that may be given throughout the experience.

Tests to find out if my partner is narcissistic and other elements to get rid of doubts will always be more effective than asking him directly.

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