Q&A with Single Parent Student Brittany Cruthis

Q&A with Single Parent Student Brittany

Brittany Cruthis accepts her scholarship with her three children

Single mom Brittany Cruthis’ life is filled with the three things she loves most: her kids, teaching, and sports! 

When she’s not at home with her three children, you’ll find her working as a paraprofessional at Clarendon High School, coaching on a softball field, or working the game clock at a basketball match. More recently, though, you’ll most likely find her attending an online class and studying hard to maintain her 4.0 GPA.

After 10 years of working in the educational field, Brittany enrolled at Reach University to earn a bachelor’s degree and become a licensed teacher. When she graduates in 2026, her goal is to remain at CHS as a special education teacher.  

To recognize Brittany’s dedication to education, ASPSF has named her the March 2024 Student of The Month. To learn more about this incredible single mom who does it all, ASPSF asked her a few questions. Here’s what she said!

What motivated you to enroll back in school? 
I decided to return to school to better my family’s life. Plus, I enjoy what I do, and feel that I am good at it, so why not take it a step further? I want to continue making a difference in the lives of our future leaders.

What do you love most about teaching? 
The kids that I work around make this job fun and worth all the headaches. They help me teach my kids at home. I am in this job for the good, the bad, and the ugly, and I hope to learn from it all.

Collage of Brittany with her kids

Share a bit about your three kids! 
I have three beautiful children. My oldest is now 11, and his name is Zane. He is my tender and nurturing soul. My daughter, Kimberly, is 9, and she is my strong-hearted kid with a little bit of sass! My youngest is 2, and his name is Waylon. And boy let me tell you! The song “Blame it on Waylon” is fitting!! He is my carefree spirit and energizer bunny.

Since returning to school, have you noticed a positive impact on your children?
I have noticed my kids are more appreciative of the things I do for them and want to help me with so much more. They may drive me crazy at times, but I believe I am raising some of the most respectful, kind, caring, and intelligent children there are. I am truly proud to be their mother and there are no words to describe my love or admiration for my kids.

What’s your biggest accomplishment?
I am proud of myself for working full time, managing three children as a single parent, coaching softball for the high school and a city league, helping at home basketball games by running the clock, making sure my kids are at every practice and ballgame in their extracurricular activities, attending my weekly classes and maintaining all five classes while holding straight A’s and staying on the Dean’s List with no support from my family, besides my children.

All this while still trying my best to be an active and supportive mother.

Collage of Brittany accepting ASPSF scholarships

How has ASPSF helped you along your journey? 
With my scholarship checks, I paid a few utility bills, bought groceries, and took my baby out to eat for his birthday. He requested Chinese food for his 11th birthday, so that is what he got. I am also grateful for the kind words the staff and volunteers have expressed to me and how they check in with me. It is more than my own family has done, and it makes me happy to have someone like that in my life.

If you could thank an ASPSF donor in person, what would you say to them?
I would like to personally thank you for the financial and moral support that this fund has provided for me and my children. There are no words to express my gratitude efficiently. It is a heartfelt contribution, and I will forever be grateful. The opportunity has been a huge blessing. 

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